Thursday, April 7, 2011

Salt and Blood Pressure

So as you may know I wrote a blog post about salt and weight loss/gain a while back. Since I found out about how salt effects the water levels in our body I have been super good about cutting the salt way down. I guess to far down as now I seem to have low blood pressure. Now when I was on the Bernstein diet I had low blood pressure which is kind of to be expected as you are eating such little food. Anyway when I stopped the diet I figured my blood pressure would normalize unfortunately it hasn't. The funny thing is and I didn't put this together until now that when I cut the salt way down I started having this near fainting dizzy spells where I would feel as though I wasn't getting enough air. Not very fun. So I finally go to the Doctor as I keep having these bouts and low and behold it's the salt. I guess it was just one to many things for my body to manage and even though for the normal person less salt is much better I guess for me I need to up it at least until I get back to normal. I still think less is better, maybe just at a more gradual pace. As for now I just had some salt, it is yummy so there could be worst things. One day at a time...

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