Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hungry For Change - Part 1

I have read a lot of books, on everything to do with food.  Watched a lot of documentary's and although this film doesn't have a lot of new information, it is well worth the watch.  After I finished watching this film, I had a full out cry fest.  It really touched a core with me, as I felt it really related to my struggle with food.  What else can I say, if you are anything like me you will want to watch this.

Visit http://www.hungryforchange.tv/ for more info:)

And so the journey continues

It's been much much to long since I last wrote to confess or speak of my progress. Where to start, I will start at Christmas. As you may know in November I started juicing and eating raw foods, I felt incredible. I was loosing weight, had energy, my skin looked better, but I was freezing cold (juicing in the winter is hard in this climate). So I started having soups and then Christmas hit. I won't say it was a debaucherous holiday... ok it was! I indulged, the shortbread was out, cocktails were poured, everything was wrapped in puff pastry. I must have eaten 3 pounds of butter that week! Now really this wouldn't have been so bad if I was able to get back on track afterwards. But I didn't and here I find myself back up to 167 pounds, my energy is low, my skin sucks, my face is fuller, my pants are tighter, the new shirts I had bought aren't fitting well anymore... Not good.

So here I am faze 5? You know this is the truth of my weight loss journey, can we say cliche? I have yo-yoed up and down, indulged and deprived, ridiculous! What have a learned.

-I can not have even a little processed sugar.
This is something I know and then I forget. And I think to myself a little won't matter, I can have a bite, just one. I won't start wanting it all the time. Well guess what, lies! I can't just have a little. When I eat a little sugar I want a lot of sugar, all the time! I am fully a sugar addict, I know it sounds funny but I couldn't be more serious and you know what I know others are to. I am not alone in this fight. I will dive into this more in another post, for now I will move on.

So here I am back to the start again, it's time to buckle up and take control. It's time to get back to the basics and eat a wholesome diet, free of processed foods.

On May 1st I am starting up again, I will start with around 2 weeks of juicing and will go from there. I will write more and not be so ashamed to share my story.

Thank you