Thursday, June 2, 2011

Questions and Answers

So I have been getting a lot of people asking me why I would have done the Bernstein Diet. To those who know me it seems like the last sort of thing I would do. So I will explain. I felt trapped, exhausted. I didn't know how to start anymore. The combination of being in an accident, hitting my mid twenty's, and dealing with hypothyroidism left me desperate. I knew that I had lost weight before. The year I went vegan and ate only whole foods was the thinnest I had ever been but I also resented being so limited with what I ate and didn't want to feel that way again. So for the last few years I had been trying in different ways to get the weight off. I would try not changing what I was eating but working out all the time. I would try cutting back on my foods and working out but I wasn't really "calorie counting" I wasn't watching everything I ate and being 100% truthful about it so it didn't work. I got to the point where I needed to feel good about myself and after careful thought I joined the Bernstein Diet.

Now I would say that yes it helped me. It gave me that kick in the ass that I needed. But it was also completely unhealthy, I felt horrible the whole time I was on it. And I made it as healthy as possible not eating ANY of their protein bars or shakes and eating tons of great vegetables, fish and tofu. It really wasn't a bad diet in that regard. It's just that you are eating soo little around 700-800 calories a day that you literally feel like you are starving. Because you are! That's the whole premise of the diet you go into starvation mode and start burning the keytones and the weight comes off. But wow I can't imagine how people do it for 6 months or a year. I had a hard enough time staying in it for 2.5 months and my end result was low blood pressure. Luckily because I did my homework I took omega oils along with their vitamins and didn't have hair loss. Yes it got me on the healthy lifestyle train again. But I really wouldn't recommend it as something to do for longer then a month. As something to only give you a push and to show you that yes you can do this it can be a good tool, but one that must be used carefully. If I could go back to my past self I would have told her go find a holistic nutritionist that specialized in weight loss. Figure out how many pounds you want to lose and start counting those calories really counting them. It will take some time but really whats one or two years of your life in the grand scheme of things.

We all can do it we really truly can. If you are thinking about the Bernstein diet I would advise you to only sign up for one month. Afterwards take that cash and put it towards a nutritionist and a psychical trainer. Your body will thank you for it.

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