Sunday, May 13, 2012

First Week Back on Raw Food

So it's the end of my first week back on Raw.  Why do I ever stop eating this way?  It's taken 1 week, 1 week for me to feel 100 times better.  You may be shocked but eating crappy food makes me feel like well crap.  One week of eating whole raw foods and lots of juices and smoothies and I have energy, I feel lighter and happier in my body.  One week! If you've ever wondered about raw food try it out for just one week, the first few days will be tricky, as will the weekend but stick with it and just see how you feel.

Here is an outline of what I have been eating this last week:

Breakfast Juice and Afternoon Juice Snack:
(I usually make a double batch of juice divide it and take half to work in a jar filled to the brim.  The less air the better, less oxidization.  This recipe is a double, and can be adapted to suit your tastes.)

3 Medium Apples
1 English Cucumber
3 Stalks of Celery
1/2 a bunch of Parsley
1/2 bulb of Fennel

Lunch Green Smoothie:

1 large handful of Spinach
1/2 a cup of Blueberries
1 Medium Banana
1 tbs. Chia Seeds
1 tbs. Hemp Seeds
1 tsp. Chlorella
1 tsp. Maca
Fresh Almond Milk


Either a Banana, Strawberries, or an Orange
+ My Afternoon Juice


Either Zuchinni Pasta with an Olive Marinara or Salad.

Pasta take:
2 Medium Zuchinni's spiralized into pasta with the spirooli

For the Marinara blend together:
1 tomato
6 olives
1/4 or less sweet onion
1 sweet bell pepper
1 tsp. capers
Fresh herbs like Parsley or Basil
dash of sea salt

Blend Pasta with Sauce and Enjoy:)


Fresh Corn Salad

1 Ear of Corn (chopped)
1 tomato chopped
1/2 a bunch of cilantro
1 avacado
1 tbs. Pickled Jalapeno's with juice (not completely raw unless you make them which I didn't)
I eat this with Belgian Endive and Bell Peppers


Raw dried Raisins or Figs, just a few:)

Plus lots of Water and Tea throughout the day!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hungry For Change - Part 1

I have read a lot of books, on everything to do with food.  Watched a lot of documentary's and although this film doesn't have a lot of new information, it is well worth the watch.  After I finished watching this film, I had a full out cry fest.  It really touched a core with me, as I felt it really related to my struggle with food.  What else can I say, if you are anything like me you will want to watch this.

Visit for more info:)

And so the journey continues

It's been much much to long since I last wrote to confess or speak of my progress. Where to start, I will start at Christmas. As you may know in November I started juicing and eating raw foods, I felt incredible. I was loosing weight, had energy, my skin looked better, but I was freezing cold (juicing in the winter is hard in this climate). So I started having soups and then Christmas hit. I won't say it was a debaucherous holiday... ok it was! I indulged, the shortbread was out, cocktails were poured, everything was wrapped in puff pastry. I must have eaten 3 pounds of butter that week! Now really this wouldn't have been so bad if I was able to get back on track afterwards. But I didn't and here I find myself back up to 167 pounds, my energy is low, my skin sucks, my face is fuller, my pants are tighter, the new shirts I had bought aren't fitting well anymore... Not good.

So here I am faze 5? You know this is the truth of my weight loss journey, can we say cliche? I have yo-yoed up and down, indulged and deprived, ridiculous! What have a learned.

-I can not have even a little processed sugar.
This is something I know and then I forget. And I think to myself a little won't matter, I can have a bite, just one. I won't start wanting it all the time. Well guess what, lies! I can't just have a little. When I eat a little sugar I want a lot of sugar, all the time! I am fully a sugar addict, I know it sounds funny but I couldn't be more serious and you know what I know others are to. I am not alone in this fight. I will dive into this more in another post, for now I will move on.

So here I am back to the start again, it's time to buckle up and take control. It's time to get back to the basics and eat a wholesome diet, free of processed foods.

On May 1st I am starting up again, I will start with around 2 weeks of juicing and will go from there. I will write more and not be so ashamed to share my story.

Thank you