Thursday, November 24, 2011

Video of the month: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

If you haven't had an opportunity to watch this documentary yet, then get on it! Seriously it is well worth your time. Here's a quick plot summary:

"100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn't end well- with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn't far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe's personal mission to regain his health. With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long-term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body's ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle."-

You can rent/buy this film on Amazon. Just check out the Amazon Finds box to the right of this post for more info:)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Juicing, Raw Food and Cooked. And Allergies.

So for the last 3 weeks I have been eating/drinking very clean foods. Juicing 2-3 times a day and having a smoothie for lunch. My energy is great, I am craving raw food like no other and I am down 10 pounds... Not so bad;)

So about a week ago I started having some soup for my dinner instead of a juice. It was a nice change as one side effect of raw food/juicing is that your core temperature drops making it much harder in the winter months. Just so cold... Anyway, I had a few different events going on this week and one of them was my anniversary. My partner and I celebrated our 7th year together with a night out to a show and dinner. We decided to try this Tunisian/French restaurant and I ordered the couscous with fish. It was not good. The fish was fishy, yuk. So I ate around the fish as the couscous was good and we had some wine. Well the next morning I woke up and my hands were covered in hives! I know that I have been eating super clean food but I must say that it was eye opening. I have to be careful what I put into my body these days. My body is changing. I really just want to eat clean raw foods but you know it's nice to go out and have whatever sometimes to.... I guess I just have to be choosy now. That meal was 4 days ago and yes I still have the hives. They are almost gone now, as I have been juicing lots of parsley and celery juice. Both Celery and Parsley naturally help with histamines in the body. And I will say that I notice a difference after I drink them.

Here is my anti-histamine juice recipe:

2 apples
4 stalks celery
1/2 bunch of parsley
1 lemon

hmmmm I just LOVE this juice, it's super refreshing and full of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes:)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Juicing for Health and Weight Loss!

So over the years I have juiced for cleansing. I have gone on juice cleanses maybe 4 times before now always lasting around one week. Unlike fasting or the Master Cleanse where you are only consuming lemon, maple sugar, cayenne and water on a juice cleanse/fast/feast you are juicing wholesome fresh nutrient rich juices. So after my trip to Nevada a few weeks ago I started juicing. Unlike other cleanses I have done I wanted to keep some fiber in my system to help flush things out. (sorry but it's true and VERY important) So instead of only juicing I have been having a green smoothie for lunch and 1 tbs. of pshylium husk in my morning juice.

Green Super Lunch Smoothie

1-2 cups spinach leaves
1 banana
1/2 cup blueberries
2 tbs. hemp seeds
1 tsp. maca powder -optional
1/2 tsp. chlorella
1 tbs ground flax seeds
Unsweetened Almond Milk

400 calories
High in Omega Oils, Vitamins A, B6, C, High in manganese, magnesium, potassium, high in Fiber and contains around 13grams of protein. Not to mention all the greens and chlorella help to remove heavy metals from the system.

Now you may be thinking that sounds gross, drinking greens! But I can assure you that it does not taste like spinach in fact it is delicious!

So my daily routine for the first week was some kind of fruit juice for breakfast like cantaloupe juice (my personal fav)or a nice apple, fennel, ginger or a carrot, apple, beet juice. Really the sky's the limit depending on your personal likes. For lunch I would have my Super Smoothie then I would have a light afternoon juice usually something like apple, cucumber, celery, kale or apple, lemon, red cabbage (pink lemonade:). And for dinner a nice vegetable juice like parsnip, tomato, cucumber, celery, red pepper, garlic/ginger. An important thing to remember with juicing is that you want to limit your intake of sweet root vegetables and fruits in the afternoon evening as the sugar found in these foods will keep you up. And drinking lots of water and tea in between. You may be surprised but you do not feel starved and after a few days you are quite use to "eating" this way.

Once I had finished about 10 days of this I started adding in a raw meal for dinner instead of juice. I would have my favorite raw zucchini pasta with a raw marinara sauce or a big vegetable salad. Two days ago I had my first "cooked food" eating a nice bowl of vegetable soup. So far I am down 10 pounds, and feeling fabulous! When you add juicing into your life you are adding soo many vitamins and nutrients that you are brimming with energy! To make my point last week my partner had the flu everyone at work had the flu and I just sailed on by without getting ill:) I plan to stay on my course having a juice for breakfast, a smoothie for lunch and either a raw or cooked meal for dinner.

As I sit here writing this I have been thoroughly enjoying a glass of fresh papaya, guava, apple juice. I can say it is amazing!! High in Vitamins and contains around 8 grams of protein. Now that's good breakfast.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My summer of indulgence

Well I had good intentions. Don't we all. But this summer I fell off the weight loss wagon and indulged. I think I was too embarrassed to blog about it, I had let myself go. It all started with a trip to Burning Man this summer. Burning Man is a wild and crazy place! Love it just love it. You see the most unbelievable things there and you have to survive in an extreme environment. By extreme I mean a high altitude (coming from sea level this was hard on me) high heat and dust. Oh the dust, it's actually drywall silt if you can imagine. And it finds it's way into everything, not to mention the dust storms.

So with all of this you end up eating whatever you want and I ate. Salt, Sugar, Spice reined surpreme and I ate tons. You would never know just how good those things are until you are in that kind of environment. So I indulged, cookies, chips, snowcones you name it! The only issue is it didn't stop there. After I got home my old eating patterns kicked in and it wasn't to long until I was having a muffin a day and grabbing for those cinnamon buns. Soon enough I had put on weight and was back up to 160 pounds... My face was round again, clothes were feeling tight, it was awful.

So after a work trip to Nevada a few weeks ago I knew I had to make some changes. I knew it was time to stop these bad habits before it got really out of hand. I wasn't going to go back on the Bernstein diet. It does work but I feel the cost is too high. It shouldn't be so traumatizing to lose weight. Having to have shots 3 times a week and having to take soo many suppliments becuase your body's in shock. No thank you not again.

Years ago I use to juice and this is where I went. I will fill in what I'm doing now in my next post.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Well it's been a month...

Well it's been a month since my last post. What have I been doing. I stopped tracking every single little piece of food I was eating although I haven't gained any weight I certainly haven't lost any either. I can say that it has been nice relaxing with food for a while it is soo hard it the summer to be on it 100% with dinners out and drinks and camping. But I'm ready to see some movement on the scale now downwards so I've got to up my game again. In a month I am off on an american road trip / festival in the desert and I know I will not be 100% on it while I'm gone. So now's a good time to see if I can get into the 40's before I leave. I was super excited to see that my body fat % is now in the 20's !!!! 29.6% such an improvement from the 42% I started out as. I'm aiming for between 18-22% it's going to feel really good when I'm there:)

On another note the hair loss has seemed to slow, thank fully I am not having huge amounts fall out in my hand anymore. That was very scary, but I just don't know that it can be avoided when you shock your body like that.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Post Bernstein Diet and Hair Loss

Well it's been about what 2.5-3 months since I stopped the Bernstein diet and although I tried to stay on top of taking omega oils the hair loss has started. They say on the forums that if you take omega oils you won't get the hair loss as it's the low oils that weaken the scalp. Maybe I just wasn't taking enough... Now I have always been the person with a TON of hair. I've always called it a weed as it just grew like crazy. Well for this last month I've been shedding, a lot. It hasn't gotten to the point of seeing bald patches thank god, but it is much much thinner.

I found this quote on what's going on from the "Hair loss is common with low carb dieting such as Dr. B. The reason is because of the shock to your body. Your hair has 3 stages: growth, resting and shedding. Usually you have hair in each stage at the same time. The shock of dieting puts most of your hair into a resting stage while your body adjusts to the changes it is going through. Once you're back to normal, your hair goes back to normal. After resting comes shedding. Ta da! Lots of hair falling out. But it WILL stop and it DOES grow back. The dermatologist told me 2-6 months of shedding is normal."

Just another side effect of doing that diet... Hopefully I won't lose too much more hair and hey maybe if it gets hot this summer I will enjoy having the lighter hair...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

This month is flying by!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Well I stalled. Yes it's true. I guess we all go through ebbs and as much as I said when I started this journey in January that I wasn't going to deviate at all from my path I did. Now that being said I have NOT gained any weight, I was just averaging 1450 calories a day instead of the 1270 I am aiming for. I wasn't going crazy but I was going out for drinks and letting loose a little. So I stalled. What I now see is that I need to up the exercise. The other day I went for my first bike ride in a year and we covered 30 kms or about 19 miles all around the seawall. It was fabulous I wish I could do it every day! Ok maybe not everyday I'd be a bit sore. But still it was great and I burned about 1800 calories doing it. But that's not something I can do everyday or even every week so I have to find other ways to kick off the pounds. One thing I am wanting to start is Wushu or Chinese martial arts for a number of reasons I think it is fabulous but that to would only be once a week with practicing at home of course. I think that that plus the hot yoga, pilates, and cycling I should be able to get myself back on track and get myself tones and fit. As it is I am down 1.4 pounds and feeling pretty fabulous. Except for the hair issue I've been having but I'm going to write about that in the next post.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Questions and Answers

So I have been getting a lot of people asking me why I would have done the Bernstein Diet. To those who know me it seems like the last sort of thing I would do. So I will explain. I felt trapped, exhausted. I didn't know how to start anymore. The combination of being in an accident, hitting my mid twenty's, and dealing with hypothyroidism left me desperate. I knew that I had lost weight before. The year I went vegan and ate only whole foods was the thinnest I had ever been but I also resented being so limited with what I ate and didn't want to feel that way again. So for the last few years I had been trying in different ways to get the weight off. I would try not changing what I was eating but working out all the time. I would try cutting back on my foods and working out but I wasn't really "calorie counting" I wasn't watching everything I ate and being 100% truthful about it so it didn't work. I got to the point where I needed to feel good about myself and after careful thought I joined the Bernstein Diet.

Now I would say that yes it helped me. It gave me that kick in the ass that I needed. But it was also completely unhealthy, I felt horrible the whole time I was on it. And I made it as healthy as possible not eating ANY of their protein bars or shakes and eating tons of great vegetables, fish and tofu. It really wasn't a bad diet in that regard. It's just that you are eating soo little around 700-800 calories a day that you literally feel like you are starving. Because you are! That's the whole premise of the diet you go into starvation mode and start burning the keytones and the weight comes off. But wow I can't imagine how people do it for 6 months or a year. I had a hard enough time staying in it for 2.5 months and my end result was low blood pressure. Luckily because I did my homework I took omega oils along with their vitamins and didn't have hair loss. Yes it got me on the healthy lifestyle train again. But I really wouldn't recommend it as something to do for longer then a month. As something to only give you a push and to show you that yes you can do this it can be a good tool, but one that must be used carefully. If I could go back to my past self I would have told her go find a holistic nutritionist that specialized in weight loss. Figure out how many pounds you want to lose and start counting those calories really counting them. It will take some time but really whats one or two years of your life in the grand scheme of things.

We all can do it we really truly can. If you are thinking about the Bernstein diet I would advise you to only sign up for one month. Afterwards take that cash and put it towards a nutritionist and a psychical trainer. Your body will thank you for it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Night Out

Well last night I had a fabulous time out. A friend of mine is was having a moving party/wine tasting. We tried 8 bottles of wine, yes 8 and I would say I had about 3oz from each bottle so a whopping 585 calories... What can I say was it worth it yes, should one do this often, no... It was like my trip to Parksville and all the goodies you can do it once in a while but too often will just back petal your progress. So I'm off this week with my calories. I've got today to eat lightly and then I need to stay in my goals next week to see any weight loss. I'm thinking this week if I lose 1/2 a pound it will be a miracle;) I won't gain but I'm not going to have the 1.5 pound drop I'd like to see. Day by Day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Losing weight: Some simple ideas for big changes

I thought I would write a post about the things that are working well for me and that anyone can do to start losing the weight. I calorie count. It is as simple and as challenging as that and no it is not always easy but it can be done and will become more habitual in time.

Figure out your unique BMI (I have a widget on the bottom of this page) these kinds of widgets are great because it does the math for you. Otherwise go to this website for the full formula:

Once you have this you will know what your goals are and how many calories you need to be consuming to lose your fat. For instance I am 159 pounds and 5'4 or 72 kilograms and 1.63 meters. So my calorie range for weight loss is 1146-1496 calories a day. That being said it is safest to not go below 1200 calories a day for women and 1500 calories a day for men. With this info you can set up your diet. I try to stay around the 1200-1300 calorie area and I do this using these tools.

-Digital food scale (this is invaluable as you can't really know how many calories you are eating unless you weigh EVERYTHING first.

-A good set of measuring cups and spoons (again you need to measure out ALL of your food)

-A food diary/calorie diary online or in a book ( I use medhelp and sparkpeople )

-Buying Fat Free Dairy and egg whites staying away from rich foods.

-Cutting out the processed sugar all together (you will get use to it) stick to fruits and sugar free substitutes.

-Cutting out or way down processed foods

-Cook at home (you'll save money and it is impossible to really know how many calories you are eating when you eat out. You can eat out you just have to plan for it and make the calorie space so you can enjoy yourself)

-Allow calorie room for things you really enjoy to eat/drink, once in awhile. If you deprive yourself this lifestyle change won't work.

-Invest in a good digital body scale. (because when you lose 1/2 a pound or even a 1/4 pound it's very motivating) Try and weigh yourself on the same day after you get up in the morning.

-Chew Sugarfree Gum (If you need to snack and you have used up your calories for the day)

-If you do fall off the diet one day don't get all downcast, it's ok. Just enter in everything you ate and work hard for the rest of the week to try to bring your average calorie intake down. Weekly averages are key:)

-Be creative, make it work for you, work at it one day at a time and you will get there!

These Pictures are my weekly averages so far for this week through I like that I can see how many calories, protiens, fats, etc... I am eating it really helps me to stay on track.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Getting better everyday!

So have you ever had an experience where someone tells you not to do something and you listen to them. Then you finally try whatever that things was and realized you like it. Well today I had one of those experiences. Some months back I took my first ever pilates class and loved it. The teacher was/is amazing, strong, beautiful, fit, I want to be her! At the end of this amazing class she said to everyone go try other teachers but avoid this person's class, it's way to hard and crazy he's like a drill sergeant you'll hurt! Now fair enough I was scared off I didn't want to be in pain and screamed at that's not my style. So the months passed and then there came today. I had initially signed up for a hot yoga class but then realized that I wouldn't make it on time. I was stuck, would I just do a sauna or would I go and try the dreaded pilates class....

Well I did both, after a nice relaxing sauna I got up the nerve and went into the class. It was great:) It kicked my ass! I will be sore tomorrow but it was soo worth it! It was the kind of class that if I could do that everyday or every other day I would be in amazing shape in no time! I will be going back. And you know what, I do have to say that not carrying around that extra 40 pounds makes working out a hell of a lot easier. I sure love this new me that's emerging.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Holidays and an Eating Frenzy

Well I just got back from a few days away at a little beach town with my partner and two of our good friends. It was lovely. There were so many eagles and hawks and ravens flying around and the beach would stretch for miles when the tide was out. We collected sea shells and had a camp fire on the beach. And it only really rained on us for a few mins here and there. It was a lovely trip.

Now the eating, well it's funny my friends are big eaters. They have the opposite problem to me they are under weight so eat tons of high fat foods. Not bad fats, not junk foods, but still high fats. So for the first night I managed to stay pretty much on track only eating about 150 calories over my goal. But the other 2 days I ate around 1800 calories each day! Crazy I haven't eaten that much in months and months. But you know what I don't feel guilty about it at all. I know that for the next 4 days I have to eat on track and work out each day to get back to balance, but yeah it's worth it right. It was so nice to go away and just not worry to much about every little thing. I know that I can work hard now and balance it out so what's the harm. Except of course that my belly was a bit upset on those nights, too much food for me! We'll I'm off to the gym for some cardio and then to a yoga class.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hot Yoga and Sunshine

What a lovely day I had today. I can't tell you just how great it was:) I went to my first hot yoga class today since starting the Bernstein diet (I was just way to scared of collapsing in class while I was on the diet). It was wonderful. Having lost almost 40 pounds has completely changed my yoga practice, I was able to hold every pose and felt incredible! I even was able to do headstand yesterday for the first time in years. I am just trilled! It is amazing to me just how much easier everything is without that extra weight on me. After class I treated myself to a lovely lunch on a patio in the sunshine, I had a really yummy salmon and beet salad and drank a whole liter of sparkling water. Then I happened into the body shop and won a $100 shopping spree, it was like the world was saying everything is going to work out alright:) Got to love the good days!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Getting off of the Bernstein Diet

Well here I am what 3ish weeks off of the diet. I felt great for the first week or so and then well I felt pretty horrible. When I ended my time at the clinic the nurse had told me that if I started eating other foods off of the maintence sheet that I could stop taking potassium. So as I started eating potatoes and bananas I cut back on the potassium. I guess the combo of too low salt and too low potassium had me feeling like I was going to faint and that I wasn`t getting enough oxygen to my brain which in fact happens when your blood pressure drops. Anyway I went to the Doc and got a bunch of tests done, I should get the results next week. But I really feel that it was cutting the potassium and salt back so much. I have started taking potassium again and can tell you that I don`t feel like I`m going to faint anymore. Now I think it`s just going to be a balancing act until I can truly be off of the supplements and living the healthy life I want. I can`t tell you if going on that diet was worth it or not to me. In so many ways it gave me the tools and motivation I needed to stay on this path. But in so many other ways it is just plainly unhealthy. You have to be soo careful.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chewing Gum and Cravings

I wanted to write a quick post about chewing gum. Since I started this journey it's become a big part of my life. I know it's funny but it really has saved me. I have found that when I want a snack, just something to munch on I will reach for a stick of sugar free gum or a sugar free mint and I am satisfied enough that I don't want for something else. Personally I enjoy cinnamon gum and mints and I also have gotten into fruit flavored gums. It really helps kind of like quitting smoking, lol. I guess eating can also be an oral fixation. Regardless if you are like me it works.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


What a difference. I forgot what it was like to be able to do certain poses in yoga. Tonight I did a Pilates workout at home and then started to do a few yoga stretches all of a sudden I was able to do poses I haven't been able to do in years. I was able to do the Bow (Dhanura-asana) when before I could only do one leg at a time. I also was able to do the Plow (Hala-asana). I can tell you it feels amazing:) Absolutely amazing!

Salt and Blood Pressure

So as you may know I wrote a blog post about salt and weight loss/gain a while back. Since I found out about how salt effects the water levels in our body I have been super good about cutting the salt way down. I guess to far down as now I seem to have low blood pressure. Now when I was on the Bernstein diet I had low blood pressure which is kind of to be expected as you are eating such little food. Anyway when I stopped the diet I figured my blood pressure would normalize unfortunately it hasn't. The funny thing is and I didn't put this together until now that when I cut the salt way down I started having this near fainting dizzy spells where I would feel as though I wasn't getting enough air. Not very fun. So I finally go to the Doctor as I keep having these bouts and low and behold it's the salt. I guess it was just one to many things for my body to manage and even though for the normal person less salt is much better I guess for me I need to up it at least until I get back to normal. I still think less is better, maybe just at a more gradual pace. As for now I just had some salt, it is yummy so there could be worst things. One day at a time...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2 weeks since ending Bernstein

Well it's been 2 weeks since I ended the Bernstein diet. I feel fantastic, my energy is great and I have lost 3.5 pounds since stopping which is excellent. To recap you need to burn 3500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat. By figuring out your BMR you can figure out how many calories you need to be eating to lose a pound. I am aiming for 1.5 pounds a week so I am consuming 1200-1300 calories a day and am exercising 2-3 times a week. That's for my body, everyone is different. Women should not eat less then 1200 calories a day and Men not less then 1500 a day, unless supervised by a Doctor. But again we are all different heights so it is really a unique number to each of us.

I am happy that I did the Bernstein diet, it is a rapid weight loss diet and it does work. But wow it was a weird experience that I am happy is behind me. It gave me the tools I needed, and I now feel that I can't fail in this endeavor.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Documentary on Milk

Milk in the Land.
you can watch it online until the 21st of April:)

Last year my partner and I went to and saw a bunch of different movies on food. Movies about our soil, our seeds, and yes milk. All the documentaries we saw were interesting and worthwhile to watch but "Milk in the Land" although the most artsy film was the one that stuck with me the most. If you have some time free I recommend watching it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Energy... It is amazing to me. When I was on the Bernstein Diet I had NO energy, I was so cranky and moody and really had no energy. I would be exhausted after work and my job is not that hard. Not to mention working out was out of the question, I had to drink caffeine just to function.

Now what has it been just under 2 weeks since I ended that diet and my weight is continuing to come off, I'm allowed to eat things like pasta again and I feel great! I actually have energy again, I can work out or even just go for a walk without feeling like I am going to faint. Even my blood pressure is back to normal, it was low while I was on the diet. All I can say is this feels good. We really can have it all. (in moderation anyhow)

First Night Out and Foodmares

Wow so I just woke up from my first food nightmare. It may have been because last night I went out for the first time in months and had a beer (which as I side note has 150 calories) and split some lovely fish stew and had a few pomme frites. Anyhow I don't know if it was because I had gone out and was not feeling guilty for enjoying myself at all or if it was unrelated but this is what I dreamt. I dreamt that I started eating sugar again, you know that refined crap they put in everything, anyway I was eating it and I couldn't stop eating it. In the dream I remember thinking "I just should never have started again my body can't handle sugar" as I lent over 3 different cakes and devoured them all. It was horrible, I couldn't stop! In my dream my addiction was soo severe. Anyway I woke up and assured myself that no I will not start eating sugar again, no way this freedom from it is to great.

I love being sugar free!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Super Smoothie!

So a couple years back we found this book called "thrive" by Brendan Brazier.

He is a vegan tri-athlete and the creator of vega. Anyway in this his first book he describes how to make your own whole foods Super Smoothie, a thing that is left out of his best seller "The thrive diet" I think because he came out with "vega" which is basically the same thing but I can tell you is no where as tasty as the homemade one. Anyway we love this recipe and have been having super smoothies for years. Of course while I was on the Bernstein Diet I could not have them so today actually as I write this I am having a delicious Super Smoothie for breaky!

2 tbs hemp seeds
1 ts gelatinized maca powder
1/2 ts Chlorella Powder
1 ts ground flax seeds
1/2 banana
3/4 cup blueberries (can use other fruit/berries)
1.25 cups unsweetened Almond Milk

Blend together and enjoy:)
This smoothie has all the minerals and vitamins you need along with great easy to digest protien and omega oils. Not to mention the Chlorella cleans heavy metals from your blood, like those found in seafoods. The Maca balances hormone and adrenal levels in the body. And it tasted like a milkshake! At least to me;)

This recipe is:

329 calories
39 carbs
15 grams fat (omega oils)
10 grams protein

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Homemade Ricotta

A super easy, delicious and healthy protein. I have taken to making this about once every week, it takes a few hours total which sounds like a long time but mostly that's with the milk sitting alone. I always use organic milk as I don't enjoy supporting non organic dairy, but regular milk will work just as well.

2 liters organic skim milk
4 tbs white vinegar
meat or candy thermometer

Simply heat milk in a non reactive pot ie: glass or ceramic etc... to 180' stirring so it doesn't burn. When milk has reached 180' remove it from the heat and add in 4 tbs of vinegar. Stir gently and then let it sit out for 2-12 hours covered in a cloth. Grab a colander and pour the curdled cheese into the strainer. Using your hands break up the clumps and press out some of the liquid. I like to keep the curds a bit moist as if they are too dry it tends to be rubbery. Use as you would cottage cheese or ricotta. (This is an unsalted recipe you can salt if you desire it that way)

This recipe makes about 2 cups of cheese.
1/2cup unpacked =

55 calories
4 grams of carbs
0.2 grams of fat
6 grams of protein


One week in to phase 2!

Well it's been a week today since I started my 1200 calorie diet plan:) Today I had 56 g (dry weight) of pasta with tomatoes, mushrooms and zuchinni it was wonderful. It has been interesting adding foods back into my diet, it seems that I may actually have a sensitivity to rice! Crazy I always thought it was the tofu that upset my belly but then I always ate rice and tofu together so... I will have to try rice again to see if it really was that. Otherwise things are moving along I'm down a little over 2 pounds since last Monday which is wonderful! I hope this continues on I realize that it may be a bit more this first week as I have been transitioning off of the Bernstein diet but I should be losing 1.5 pounds a week from here on out. We'll see where I am at next monday.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Still Losing

We'll it's been 4 days now since I officially stopped the Bernstein Diet and started my 1200 calorie diet. So far so good. The first day I had a carrot along with my regular foods. Day two I had 1/2 a banana and about 1/2 a cup of roasted acorn squash, yesterday was the same. And today I had 1 small potato, some shredded carrots and some dried mango slices (sugar free). So far I am still burning keytones and my weight seems to be going down so I'm happy. It was kind of anti-climatic when I left the clinic. I said that I really couldn't afford to continue on with the program and the nurse just shrugged and said well don't go back to eating what you were eating before then she gave me a sheet with instructions for temporary maintence. I guess when you are not near your goal weight you can't go on maintence which gives you one b vitamin shot a week instead of 3 and instructions on how to get off of the diet. For me I got a sheet that basically looked like the strict diet with the add on of unlimited veggies and being allowed squash, avacado, peas and plain fat free yogurt. She also said that as long as you are not eating other foods to stay on the potassium twice a day. I have been adding in other foods not on the list and have been cutting back my potassium but I am still taking it. I am also taking some whole food vitamins. 1 daily multi, 1 B complex, and my 2 fish omega pills. I think that it is important for me not to go to quickly into other foods and that my body is so use to soo many vitamins it would be dumb to stop taking them. I do not want my body going into shock coming off of this.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

And so phase two will begin

So this is my last weekend on the Bernstein diet. It has given a lot more then I would have realized. I still am about 45 pounds away from my goal, I currently weigh 171 pounds and am working towards 125 pounds. I can tell you that it doesn't seem unattainable anymore. In fact I can't see how I can't reach my goal:) I have to say that although this diet has been very difficult at times I am happy I did it. It is a bit hard to step away from it as it does work, and I know that I have struggled to lose weight for years. But things are different now, I am armed with the right tools for the job at hand and I know I can do it! For crying out loud if I can survive off of 800 calories a day for 3 months I can do anything! So here comes phase 2....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Check ins

Well it's been a little while since my last post. At the Bernstein clinic they got me to start taking 3 k-lite potassium tablets a day as my weight was not moving. Since I started taking the extra k-lite my weight has been melting away, I'm down 3 pounds this last week much better then the 1.5 I was doing before. We will see what my weight in is tomorrow. This diet should really not be done without some kind of doctor supervision. It's a rapid weight loss diet and you could hurt yourself if you just winged it on your own. I am surprised at the amount of vitamins I need to take to keep my body functioning like this. I am so excited about eating just a normal whole foods diet. I am getting soo bored of the few veggies I can eat, I really really want to eat a potato. But my weight is changing I can fit into jeans 2-3 sizes smaller then I use to fit into and I have started a give away bin of my too big clothes. That feels good. I am almost done this portion of my weight loss program, in a couple of weeks I will start weaning myself off of it and will up my calorie intake to 1200-1300 calories a day. I will start a workout program as well. On the Bernstein diet I am just soo tired all the time, last night I went to bed at 9pm and didn't get up today till 8:30 I was just soo tired. I am really looking forward to a more balanced diet with energy giving foods. I don't want to be taking potassium and crazy amounts of b vitamins to get through the day I don't like it.

But hey it does work and I know that I needed it. It gave me the kick in the ass I was looking for and now that I am free of the dreaded sugar and can eat a meal without some kind of starch/carb I know that I can have the body I have always wanted. I can be healthy and feel good about myself. I no longer feel that I can't do it, how can I fail.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Bernstein Guaranty

So today marked the end of my second month on the Bernstein Diet. As my weight had stalled and I was only burning 1-1.5 pounds a week I did not make the monthly guaranty of 10 pounds I fell short by 1.4 pounds. Now that's not a huge difference but still I wanted to see if they would honor their policy and treat me for free. The answer to that was no. As I had more then 2 processed proteins per week. I stated that as I am mostly vegetarian I had asked a nurse if I could eat more then the alloted "proteins" she had told me yes I could. But it seems that I couldn't I was "cheating" on the diet... Haha I love that only being able to eat 600 calories a day and having to eat the same foods day in and day out is "cheating". I can tell you if I was going to cheat it wouldn't have been with a yves veggie dog. I would have had a slice of pizza. Alas what do you do, I am not going to bother fighting it this is my last few weeks on this diet then I will be free FREE! But no I am not going to run out and eat pizza that would defeat the point I am in this to lose the pounds and am loving the new me that's emerging:)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Weigh in

Well today I was down 1.4 pounds. I have to be happy about this as in the last 3 weeks I have only lost 5 pounds and being that on this diet I should be losing 3 pounds a week that's not to much. SO while I am still on this diet for the next few weeks I hope that the scale moves closer to 165 so I only have about 40 pounds left to go. That seems like a good number to me, we will see....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

More talk about Salt

I have to say that I am learning a lot about eating. A lot about my body and about what I need to do to make it happy. I don't know if I have mentioned this before but I was diagnosed with hypothryoidism basically my thyroid is sluggish and does not produce enough thyroid hormone making me tired, depressed, moody and gain weight. I went on a syn-thyroid hormone for about 6 months. Now the issue with that is that it may balance out my thyroid but it also makes my body stop trying to produce the hormones it needs relying on the synthedic to function. I was scared of creating this within my body so I went to a holistic doctor and he got me to start taking Iodine. It was a miracle and I can say I'm off of the synthetic hormones now and my thyroid is balanced naturally. What does this have to do with salt? As a society we do not get enough iodine in our diets as to why you will notice that all table salt is Iodized. The issue with that is you need to consume a lot of that salt for your body to get enough. So really we should be supplementing iodine and cutting back the salt. As you will read in these articles I am going to post here to much salt is not a good thing.

This article explains that it is very important to keep a watch on how much salt that you are consuming when losing weight. This is the missing piece that many are overlooking making it harder for them to lose weight.

Salt has no calories. So it will not create fat. But there are other things that can make you overweight. If the problem is fat, then all you have to do is burn more calories than you consume making losing weight simple.

Salt and Sodium

Here is an explanation of concentration. Say you have a pool that has salt water in it and you need to keep the concentration at a teaspoon of salt per gallon of water. You have a device to measure salt concentration. If someone adds a gallon of water to it, then when you measure the concentration, you will find that you need to add teaspoon of salt to it.

If someone adds a teaspoon of salt to it, then you will find that you need to add a gallon of water to it to maintain the right concentration. Your body needs to always maintain a proper concentration of sodium (and other minerals) or you will die.

But foods contain very tiny amounts of minerals like under 1%. But salt is not a food and it contains 40% sodium. So the more salt or sodium you consume, the more water needs to be in the body to keep the concentration constant. The body tries to get rid of salt but it can only do it at a certain rate. This is why sweat and urine is salty. This is not the case with people who do not consume salt. Almost all foodscontain all the sodium that you need.

Excess Weight

So consuming salt causes your body to hold on to extra amounts of water (water weight) giving you excess weight. This is also called water retention or retaining water. This makes you heavy and look fat. But no matter how little you eat and how much you exercise, it will have no affect on this extra weight. So if your problem is excess fat, then eat less and exercise more.
But if that does not help, then it may be excess water weight that you need to lose. For example Beyonce lost 20 pounds in 10 days on the lemonade diet. Now if that was 20 pounds of fat then she would have needed to burn 70,000 (20 x 3,5000) more calories than she consumed in 10 days. That is burning 7,000 more calories than she consumed each day to lose weight.
She would have needed to exercise all day long to do that. But the lemonade diet has no salt in it. So it is easy for her body to lose most of that 20 pounds by losing water weight. Now if you look at labels you will see that many foods, including diet foods, have huge amounts of sodium in them due to added salt.

Losing Weight

There is a problem in plans on losing weight. People lose the weight then reach a plateau where they cannot lose any more weight. That may be because it is not fat but water weight. And exercise and eating less calories has no effect on water weight (water retention).
Any person that is overweight could probably quickly lose 20 pounds of weight by reducing salt intake. One lady wrote to me and said that she had tried everything to lose weight but nothing worked. She was frustrated. Then she learned the above and quickly lost the weight.
Also salt is bad for cardiovascular health even if you do not have high blood pressure. There has never been salt detected in human skeletons over 10,000 years old. So that is probably when man started consuming salt on a large scale. Almost all foods have some sodium in them.
Instead of adding salt, you can add granulated kelp (seaweed) to foods (found in health food stores). It has plenty of iodine and is loaded with trace minerals that you need and will also help metabolism. Also use other spices. They are foods and great for health. Salt is a mineral or rock and not a food.

Salt - Remove Excess Sodium to Stop Water Weight Gain

If you are a woman, you know all too well that bloated feeling every month during your menstrual cycle. It’s unfathomable how a pair of jeans that fit yesterday won’t fit today. It’s a curse, but water weight gain affects everyone. The main culprit is sodium.

We are talking about salt. The chemical name of the salt compound is sodium chloride. It is used as a preservative in many foods. Salt increases shelf life. Derivatives like monosodium glutamate (MSG) are used to tenderize meat and add flavor to our food, but it is also ruining our health.

Low Fat and Diet Options May have Lots of Salt

Even when you opt for low-fat chips, fat free cookies, light soups and low fat cheeses there is still that sneaky ingredient that keeps you feeling bloated. It is caused by the sodium and it is everywhere. Learning to avoid sodium in excess can save your life.

Body Needs 2 Teaspoons of Salt at most daily

Your body only needs about 2,400 milligrams of salt per day. That is about the equivalent of two teaspoons. A bowl of canned soup can provide that much and more. You don’t think about the foods that contain sodium because you have been programmed to be worried about and concentrate on things like fat and calorie counting when it comes to weight loss or healthier eating habits. These are not the only things you should be cautious about. Beware of the amount of sodium in your foods as well.
Even some dishes you normally wouldn’t think contain salt have a measure of sodium in it. Pasta mixes, hot dogs, deli meat, and pizza all contain sodium, even the diet varieties.

Your Body Does Need Salt
Your body needs sodium to help it maintain water balance, but not in the amounts that are typically consumed. We need more potassium to counter-balance the sodium in our diet. Our bodies are 90 percent water so the amount of sodium we take in is very important. Sodium also assists in absorption of nutrients within the body and the function of muscle fibers and nerves. While you lose weight you are also working to build muscle and get stronger and leaner. As your body reaches age 40 and beyond, you begin to actually lose muscle.

Excess Sodium Bloating and Puffy Weight Gain

Excess sodium causes fluid to collect in the tissues. You feel puffy and bloated all the time. More water is drawn into the blood leading to increased blood volume and high blood pressure. Everyone’s heard of high blood pressure. You exercise to lose weight so you won’t become afflicted with such conditions as high blood pressure (hypertension), heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease, but your food choices are making it a possible reality, regardless of your physical activities.

Your taste buds are so used to the high content of sodium in foods that they may not even taste salt anymore. Think about that. Even when sodium has already been added to food, how often do you reach for the salt shaker?

Salt and Weight

So I guess I have been eating to much salt. I went to the clinic yesterday for my weigh in and I am up a pound but I am burning +1 for keytones so I was like ?? The nurse told me that even if you are 100% strict and burning good keytones you can stall if you have to much salt. Now when I say salt I don't just mean the table variety but sodium that sneaky stuff that gets into foods, like the yves products. As I am basically a vegetarian I do eat some fish I have been eating more yves products then the 2 allowed per week. But I never thought of the sodium in these foods so I have been overdoing it. Crazy who knew 1-2 veggie dogs a day was overkill... Anyway it is so they are out at least until next week. I'm back to eggs and prawns for the next while. Not really so bad;)

I am not too sure of what happens in the body but my understanding is that when we eat to much salt the body holds water and when it holds water it holds fat as well... I got a bit scared thinking well then what am I burning but the nurse told me that I was not burning muscle so I am going to have to believe her. I don't want any of that. So I will do whatever I can to burn the fat away!

Monday, February 21, 2011

A few of my favorite things

I have found a few favorite foods while being on the Bernstein diet. As you can't have much these are my "treats".

Kale chips:
Pre-heat oven to 375'

spray cookie sheet with oil (I use spectrum olive oil spray but you can use pam etc...)
place 4-6 leaves of kale on the sheet
spray with oil

bake for 5-10 mins or until crisp
lightly salt

Baked Apple:
Pre-heat oven to 400'

Cut an apple in half (i use organic spartan apples, but use what you have)
Core apple and sprinkle with Stevia and Cinnamon
Spray glass pie dish with oil
Place apples face down and spray tops with oil

Bake for 15-20mins or until soft and juicy.
Serve in a bowl on their own or with a side of fat free yogurt.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

They say it takes 3 months to make or break any habit.

I know that I say how unhealthy this diet is. It is unhealthy. But it is also "health giving" in someways. I am part of a forum for the diet and love reading about the positive life changes people go through. I see how it can affect people as they finally make the right steps to weight loss and weight management. Because really if you lost 50, 100, 200 pounds on this diet you would feel wonderful afterwards. This diet does work. It does give people the motivation to lose weight and start a healthy lifestyle that will make them happy. As much as I am going off of this diet in a month, it was what I needed to jolt me out of my old patterns and give me the motivation to be kinder to myself. The thing with this diet or any diet is that in order for it to work for you, you have to change what you are doing. And what ever gets you to change your life in a permanent way is what you need. We can all be happy and healthy if we just start taking steps in the right direction.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Glycogen Stores and Low carb diets

Here is some interesting information that I found on glycogen stores and low carb diets. This is something I didn't know until recently but it is something anyone thinking of going on a low carb diet should know.

What you REALLY Lost or Gained

When you cut the carbs out of your diet, your body empties out the "emergency" stores of carbohydrate it keeps in the liver and muscles in the form of a substance called glycogen. Glycogen is a normal part of our metabolism and allows us to do energy-intensive things like sprinting, for example, by letting us draw on the carbs stored in our muscles for energy.

More importantly the glycogen stored in our liver allows us to keep our brain functioning. A person who is not low carbing needs 100 gms of glucose a day merely to supply the brain's basic needs. If the body can't get glucose from the diet it has two choices: use stored carbohydrate--our friend glycogen again, or convert dietary or muscle protein into carbohydrate using a lengthy process called "gluconeogenesis" which takes place in the liver. Because the body wants to avoid using its own muscle fibers for fuel, it does what it can to keep that liver glycogen store filled up.

Nutritional research that shows that a typical 150 lb man is carrying about three quarters of a pound of glycogen. But what most people don't know is that each molecule of glycogen is bound to four molecules of water and water has weight too. This means that when your liver and muscles are charged up with glycogen it adds an additional four pounds or more to your body weight.

When you start a very low carb diet you cut off the body's supply of dietary carbohydrate and this leads to a rapid emptying of these liver and muscle glycogen stores. And when you lose that glycogen, you also lose the associated water. That's the reason why, during the first couple days of a low carb diet, you lose weight so dramatically. It's also why you may feel slimmer and lose "inches." You haven't lost fat. You've simply dumped the water out of your muscles and liver.

But what happens when you go off the diet for even so little as a single meal? If you eat a significant amount of carbs, your liver and muscles grab glucose from your bloodstream to replenish that emergency stock. As they do this, four molecules of water join each molecule of glycogen and, as fast as you can say, "Omigawd, I cheated!" the pounds you lost at the very beginning of the diet pile back on.
How many carbs does it take to replenish your glycogen?

Not too many. Given the figures in Lyle McDonald's book, The Ketogenic Diet I figured that the three quarters of a pound of glycogen that 150 lb. man is carrying in his liver works out to only 70 grams of carbohydrate.

Chow down some french fries and a regular soda and you're there. There's an additional 120 gm in his muscles. That's two coffee shop bagels with peanut butter.
Do you lose any REAL fat weight on a Low Carb Diet?

Probably not in the first three days--unless you cut 1200 calories out of your usual diet, too. But once you have gotten through the first week or two another benefit of low carbing kicks in that does make it much easier for most people to cut out the calories they need to cut to lose real fat.

That's because when you cut out your carbs you eliminate the blood sugar swings that cause hunger in most people. The cravings you used to get when dieting may fade out in as little as two weeks. When you stop eating in response to those nasty hunger cravings, you will find it much easier to eat a whole lot less than you used to. It is the drop in calorie intake that follows this drop in hunger that that results in the very real and often dramatic weight loss so many long-term low carbers report.
Will you gain it all back when you go off the diet?

Many books and experienced low carb dieters warn that low carbing brings with it a "devil's bargain." They tell you that you can lose all the weight you want on their diet but if you do, you must make low carbing a "way of eating" for the rest of your life.
The instant weight regain that low carbers experience tends to confirm that this is true, which can be very frightening if for one reason or another the dieter decides to return to a balanced-type diet.

But the good news is that this may not be as true as most people think. It is true that dieting off more that 10% of your body weight using any diet makes the body "fight for fat" when you go back to eating an non-reduced calorie diet. If you stop low carbing and start pounding the calories you will gain weight, and like any lapsed dieter, you may end up fatter than before. But the equation hasn't changed. You still need to eat 3,500 more calories than you burn.

The only "rapid" regain the low carb dieter will experience is the water weight that comes with glycogen refilling. Once you've put on that four plus pounds--whatever you took off when you started the diet--weight gain will proceed slowly--probably no faster than the rate at which you took it off, and often at a slower pace if you regulate your calorie intake to match what you burn off.

This is good news, because it means that low carbing does not trap you into staying with a way of eating unless that way of eating is something you want to stick with.

But low carbers need to remember every time that every time you get on the scale your REAL weight--the weight you will be when you stop dieting-- is whatever you weigh now plus whatever you lost during the first week or two of the diet.

If you go off plan for a day, don't panic when you step on the scale. That instant three pounds is only water. Compare what you weigh--with the water--to what you weighed the last time you went off plan. It's less, isn't it? And that is REAL weight loss!

Weigh in

Today I had my weigh in with the Bernstein people and I am down 2 pounds far this week. Just over 22 pounds down so far and almost in the 170's can't wait to be there:)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

6 weeks and a day

I slept well last night, dreamed that I was in this coffee shop and just really wanted to have a soy latte. I was telling my partner just how long it had been and that I was going to have one when I looked at the espresso station and saw just how dirty it was. I stuck with an americano. I can't even seem to cheat in my dreams, now that's a strong will!

This morning I hopped on the scale to see that I had finally made it to 179 pounds, it will be interesting to see whether or not the clinic scale shows a loss tomorrow. I always find that by the time a get to the clinic and have my weigh in I'm up a couple of pounds. But it is still nice to see the scale moving downwards. Onwards and Downwards!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Food Dreams

So a lot of people on this diet talk about having food dreams, where they are eating forbidden foods. Well I had my first food dream last night but it was more of a foodmare then a tantalizing food utopia.

In my dream I was at home and had an apple for breakfast, a bunch of things happened and I had leave my place. I found myself on a bus and the bus kept going and going and all the time I was getting soo hungry. Finally I got off the bus because I realized that I wasn't going the right direction. Anyway when I got off the bus I found myself at this weird farm where they were holding a protest for Tibet and everyone was eating apples. I was soo hungry and got sad when all I was given to eat was an apple. Then I woke up. And funny enough I have not had an apple today!

I am sure I could look deeply into this, with the road to life and about how I am not eating regular food but I will leave it here for now.

Calcium and B6/B12


Why has it gotten hard now? The funny thing is I'm not craving foods at all, but I am thinking of stopping this sooner then later. I was just reading up on Calcium and the Dr.B diet and I found some interesting info which may explain why I'm tired, cranky, and now am having pains in my chest and head. Here's the quote I found from :

In addition to their proprietary weight-reducing programs, some weight loss clinics also provide clients with Vitamin B12 and/or Vitamin B6 injections. Extra Vit B12 frequently improves energy, well-being, and supports thyroid functions, however some individuals already exhibit above-normal Vit B12 levels, and of those, a small percentage experiences panic anxiety-like symptoms following a B12 shot, or a
worsening of Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) symptoms (which are rarely attributed to B12 injections), so this should be kept in mind if those symptoms are experienced.

Vitamin B6 can help with weight loss through a stimulating effect on the thyroid, which - by boosting the right cardiac output - reduces water retention, hence the diuretic attributes. In those with a disposition for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), higher doses of Vitamin B6 and higher doses of Vitamin C are not advisable since they can trigger erratic blood sugar changes and depressive mood swings.

Higher doses of Vitamin B6 will also result in a high magnesium / low calcium ratio, so if not matched to a patient's requirements (which can happen when Vitamin B6 + Vitamin B12 injections are regularly given at weight loss clinics), a severe calcium deficiency develops. This by itself - or when aggravated by an overstimulated thyroid from the regular Vitamin B6 / B12 shots - can result in insomnia, anxieties, mood swings, chest pains, depression, joint pains, muscle cramps, or other symptoms.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 38

Well I'm tired. And a wee bit cranky...

I would have to say that this reaffirms that in a month I am stopping this diet. It works but is it good for longer then 1-2 months I don't think so. The nurses switched me to K-lite potassium yesterday as it is a higher dose. This is suppose to help with my fatigue but it hasn't so.... I am hoping I don't feel like this for another month it's depressing.

Anyhoo that's where I'm at.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 37

Well I am down 2.2 pounds this week, this diet does work. Onwards and downwards.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So it will come as no shock I am sure that living off of 600-800 calories a day lends itself to being fatigued. And I have been. They say that your body may need more potassium but really this isn't right. Even if I take more potassium it's just masking the underlying issue of starvation... Because really that's what this diet is a starvation diet except you eat. It's strange. Now I'm happy that I did start this crazy unhealthy diet for this reason alone. I have changed my eating patterns and now understand the importance of proteins and carbohydrates in my diet. I've been doing a lot of soul searching and feel that after mid March when my Bernstein diet payments are finished I will go it alone. This has been a great kick in the ass I needed but if I want to be fit and healthy I need to accomplish that through other means. My plan post Bernstein is to consume a 1300 calorie diet and engage in a moderate exercise program to get me fit and toned. I should be at my goal weight between Nov and Jan of this year. Somehow although that is a longer time frame then mid May it seems like a healthier option.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 34

I have many things running through my mind these days. One of them is how and when to end this diet. It works this diet it works well, is it healthy no... I'm a strange one as I am a healthy person so it is very weird for me to be doing something that is unhealthy so that I can become even more healthy. I am a freak. Half of me says when mid march hits and what i've payed so far is finished maybe I should just go the rest on my own. Rational thinking. By mid march I should be around 160-165 pounds that would mean I would have about 40 pounds left to lose. Now 1 pound = 3500 calories so if I want to lose 2 pounds a week I need to keep my calorie intake to roughly 1275 calories a day. Ok that's easy I'm eating half of that now. lol (actually it's kind of true) And I would also have to burn 500 calories a day with exercise. That's doing a high intensity workout everyday... If I can do that I will be down to my goal weight of 125-130 pounds by August. Which is actually wonderful as I haven't been that small in over 6 years. But this is where it's hard. Will I burn 500 calories a day? Because if I don't I'm looking at January of next year for my end date.... If I suck it up and stick with this diet till May they tell me I can be at my goal weight... It's expensive and not really healthy but it's tempting. I just don't know. I feel lazy thinking that the natural healthy way is harder, but I just don't want to be disappointed again. I guess I will just have to wait and see how I feel in March.....

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So Dr. B has these lists of foods that you are allowed to have. And when you sign up for the program they tell you not to eat anything off of the list as it could throw you out of ketosis. So when I started this program I stuck to that 100%. Now what I've discovered is that you can choose to eat other products instead of the allowed ones if the nutritional info is the same or less as their recommendations. I have found the important thing is to check your keytones as well so you can monitor what works for your body. We are all different.

A re-cap:
On the Dr. B you are allowed the following everyday:

2-3 peices of fruit:
apple, asian pear, orange, 1 cup blueberries, strawberries, 1/4 cantaloupe. And as much lemon and lime as you desire.

2-3 servings
Absolutly no starches, no root vegetables, no okra, no eggplant. Everything green, peppers, cauliflower, Tomatoes, onions, garlic, mushrooms etc...

2-3 fist sized servings
White fish, lobster, shrimp, chicken, turkey, game.
Lentils, black-eyed beans, edamame, pigeon beans.
Tofu, vyes products.
6 Egg whites

And then you get into the dairy which is different depending on what list you look on but I have deduced that as you can have trader joe's fat free cottage cheese in the states you can also have island farms victoria style F.F. cottage cheese. And as you can have dannon light and fit yogurt you can also have dannon silhoette 0. Yogurt is an extra on top of your other foods:)

2-3 servings
Joesphs low carb pitas
Silver hills little big bread
Kavli crackers

Of course there are more things on the list but this is the basics.

Potassium, a multi vit, omega fish pills. I can't stress enough how important the vitamins are.

I wouldn't advise doing this strict of a diet on your own at least until you've done it for a month with the Clinic. I know it's expensive but it is very intense and you could hurt yourself just winging it. If I were going to do something like this on my own I would add in 1.5 cups of either brown/black rice, quinoa, millet, whole grain pasta a day and 1 tbs of a good oil like coconut oil or olive oil or flax oil. If you did that then you would most defiantly shed pounds and you would feel pretty fabulous.

The most important thing if you like me are over weight and sick of it is to change your eating patterns, it's hard and annoying but just do it, your the only one holding yourself back. Cut out the sugar, the processed junk foods, and stick to a whole foods diet with low oils but good oils, complex carbs like whole grains but not tons, a few fruits and lots of vegetables:) Water is also your friend drink 2-3 liters a day.

I'm not a doctor these are just my thoughts, it's hard to break out of our habits but it can be done.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Still Burning

Well I guess that that little bit of sugar wasn't a big deal as I am still burning at +2 today. Not that I am going to let my guard down around sugars as I know that my body can't handle processed sugars well. Years ago when I was on a whole foods, sugar free diet I went traveling to Morocco. While I was there I ordered one of their famous mint teas, I had a gulp and of course there was sugar lots of sugar. They use those cubes of white sugar (like 3 of them) with crushed mint leaves to make the tea. Now after I drank a bit of this my tongue actually swelled! After a year of no sugar other then fruits my body freaked out and of course all I craved afterwards was that super sugary tea! So I know once I get off of processed sugars I just can't go back to it, it's to intense. And really there are soo many more nutritious and delicious natural sugars like dates, dried fruits generally (although those are not good for your teeth, like candy) and even honey and maple syrup.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 30

So today I accidentally had sugar:( I went out to lunch with a friend and ordered the shrimp ceviche and a small garden salad. I made sure there was no oil in it but forgot to say no sugar, so of course there was sugar in the marinade... They sneak that stuff in everywhere! Needless to say I did eat half of it as I didn't want to send it back and make a scene. I feel fine but it's hard to say if it will affect the keytones or not, guess I will just have to wait and see in the am.

I got my order in today from going to make a pizza tonight with fat free cottage cheese veggies and my new pitas:) I ordered Joseph Flax, Oat Bran and Whole Wheat pitas, some stevia and some walden farms dressing. I can tell you that I am really looking forward to dinner tonight!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

4 weeks in

So today marks 28 days on this diet. So far I have lost 16.6 pounds, not so bad if I do say so myself:) Hope I can keep losing at this pace!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am happy as a clam as I have just found Silver Hill's little Big Bread! On this diet 1 slice is one bread serving which is fabulous as all other breads are 1/2 slice for one bread serving. And Silver Hill's in organic sprouted grain as well. If you are looking for it you can find it at Choices in the freezer section:)

I have also ordered Joesph'd low carb pitas from the low carb grocery online and should be getting those in the next couple of days. They are suppose to be amazing and like the bread 1 counts as a serving so I could have 2 in one day if I wanted to.

Love it!


So I suffer from vertigo, but I don't get the full spin happening that often. Usually I just feel a bit motion sick. But since I started this diet I have been getting dizzier and dizzier, which happens to be a side effect of low potassium intake. So I called the clinic this morning and I am uping my dose of potassium to 3 tablets of cal-k twice a day. I'll see if that was the issue or if I'm just having a vertigo flare up.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Well I have been happy and impressed with this diet as thus far I hadn't had any cravings, not really. Then today happened and all I wanted was deep fried anything... What's up with that? I am thinking that maybe I need some oil in my body as I basically have no fats, so I am going to take a fish pill and hope that that will quench these cravings. Otherwise I haven't given in to temptations but I did have 2/3 more protein tonight and I feel fine right now.

Had a weigh in today and I lost another 1.8 pounds which feels good as I stalled out last week. The nurse said that as I hadn't had a bowel movement it can affect your water retention and stall things so hopefully now that I am taking psyllium husk everyday that won't be an issue anymore:)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Best treat/snack!

So on this diet you can't have a lot of goodies, well let's be serious you can't have any and really it's ok. I don't plan on staying this strict forever. But this last week I discovered E.D. Smiths no sugar jam... It is soo good! By far the yummiest thing! 2 kavli cracker with fat free cream cheese and peach jam is amazing and keeps me happy throughout the day. This jam is something I will stick with after this diet is finished.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just over 3 weeks in

So I just got back from a weekday getaway to my home town to visit some family and friends. I had a marvelous time and did my Dr.B check-ins while I was there. My weight loss had stalled this last week and I had a hard time reaching the 80's but I'm here now! I wasn't really to worried about it as I was burning ++ and had heard that you stall out after the first 2-3 weeks so it seems like that was my time. But I had a check in today and I was finally below 190 pounds it feels great:) I have been thinking lately that I've paid up to March 16th then I will need to renew.... I feel that it was a great idea for me to do this with them for the first half but I feel that I can manage on my own after that time. I will save a lot of money all I have to get around is giving myself a b-vitamin shot. But I think I can do it. I just want to get this weight off and then concentrate on getting fit and toned!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 19

Crazy week 3 already! I'm down 12 pounds so far that's pretty great:) Everything is going well, I"m burning at 1+ and dropping weight steadily. Yesterday I was at the mall and noticed the yogen fruz booth. I do have a soft spot for "ice cream" and I knew they had fat/sugar free products so I investigated. As I knew that in the states you can eat the dannon light and fit yogurt (1 a day is fine) I google searched the yogurt to figure out what the nutrition break down was and compared that to the fat/sugar free yogen and they are almost the same:) The yogen has 20 more calories and 10g more of carbs so I indulged and had half a small. It was delicious and I was still burning steady this am, so I will be adding this treat in once and awhile. It feels nice to have a treat!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I love beans. They have to be one of my favorite foods. So when I started this diet I knew I had to cut some out (like the limas) and cut them down (only twice a week), and I was ok with that. So last week I made some lentils and although they were tasty my weight loss seemed to slow. Could have just been a coincidence but then the last 2 days I made black eyed peas and again I am only tracing.... I will have to do more experiments to see if it is that or just my body going through highs and lows...

Day 16

Wow time is going quickly. Had my 2nd visit with the doc, really just a very quick visit. I don't know how many patients he needs to see in a day but I think I'm in there for no more then 5 mins. Everything is looking good, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.. My cholesterol was a little bit high but nothing to worry about now as I am not really eating any. I had my measurements taken today and this is it so far:

Down 10.6 pounds
Down 2 inches on the hips
Down .5 inch on the belly

And only 2 weeks in! Looking forward to this continuing on:)

Doing my own measurements for comparison, I think it will be interesting as I will always check the same place where as the nurses change so will the spots.

Belly: 40.5 inches
Neck: 14.7 inches
Hips: 44 inches

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Melba Toast

Just thought I would share my resent experience with melba toast. I know it sounds funny but a couple days ago I was looking through the Dr.B recipe book and came across this onion ring recipe. As I was feeling a bit bored with food I decided to give them a whirl so I went to the store and picked up some melba toast and an onion. I hadn't eaten a melba in years but as they were in the recipe I crushed up 2 crackers and made the onion rings (which were alright). Later that day I had a snack of one melba toast and that was that. The next day about mid afternoon all I could think about was melba toast, melba toast, melba toast... I knew something was wrong, that's when I looked at the box more carefully and saw that they contained sugar! As I have been basically sugar free other then fruit since I started the diet my body went crazy with that slight amount of extra sugar! Needless to say I am throwing out the Melba toast as I think they are evil crackers and the last thing I want to do is start craving foods I have cut out of my diet. That would only lead to disaster. Kavli crackers and mountian wraps are what I'm sticking to from now on!

2 week check-in

So here I am at the end of week 2! I have lost a total of 10.6 pounds since I started this diet, that's pretty unbelievable:) I'm feeling great and am not hungry anymore. The crazy thing for me right now is that I can't really believe that I will continue to lose weight... I haven't been below 190 in a couple of years despite my efforts so anything from here on out is going to be a surprise.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 12

So things are continuing on well. So far I've lost 9.2 pounds in just under 2 weeks, weds is the 2 week check in so it will be interesting to see if I have lost any inches. Feeling pretty proud of myself so far. I went to a potluck this weekend and as I ate before I went I stayed strong and didn't eat a thing even though we were all sitting around a table ladened with food. It felt really good to be so strong but I would bring some celery sticks with me next time;)

I feel like I am getting a much better handle on what foods I should and shouldn't eat to maintain a slim figure. I feel it really comes down to carbs. Carbs, carbs, carbs and of course sugar but really aren't they one and the same. I know we've heard it a million times a whole food diet is the best diet for our bodies but in truth it is. But we really do not need as many carbs and starches as we think we need, unless of course you are running marathons or exercising for hours a day. When I was on a whole foods diet back in the day I always felt that something wasn't quite right. Looking back I see that I ate much to much rice, this time when I finish the Bernstein diet and go back to eating whole foods I am going to be eating a lot less carbs. Here's to finding balance.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quitting food is like quitting cigarettes.

I thought yesterday that getting over food is like quitting smoking. Years ago when I was quitting cigarettes I was hiding in the kitchen when no one was around and huddling over the ashtray trying to smoke the tail end of a cigarette. As I was crouched having those last few puffs I realized who was I hiding from? I was the only one that mattered... If I was going to quit then I had to own up to myself and quit it was the only way I would ever get over that addiction. From that point on I never looked back and have been smoke free for 11 years. Food addictions are the same thing. We hide and "cheat" but were only cheating ourselves. It's a hard road but I know I can do it, I can beat this addiction and once I'm free I'll never have to look back:)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 9

Doing well today, have to say things are good now that my body is use to this diet. I accidentally bought black lentils instead of green or red as I didn't think it would matter... Their all lentils right but the nurse said it may matter due to the carb content... So I did have them for lunch today as I had already made them and I am going to the pharmacy today to buy keytone testers so I can check at home. Hopefully these black lentils are ok otherwise I just wasted 2 more meals:( All these things you have to learn...

Down another 1.4 pounds since weds:)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good deeds

Today I experienced this diet helping me give back:) I went shopping at safeway for some lunch items, they give you these pull tabs for prizes when you pay, as I ripped open the tab I saw that I had won a liter of apple juice. Normally I would have been happy to get a free box of juice but now on this diet juice is off of the list so I was left with what to do... My partner isn't a juice drinker so I didn't bother getting it for him instead I decided to look down the juice isle and find someone to pass the juice onto. I was in luck there was the sweetest older women there and we started talking, she was originally from Italy and was trying to do some shopping for her breakfast. She asked for my help deciding on what oatmeal to get and was very happy to receive the apple juice. I have to say this made me soo much more happy then drinking the juice ever could have. I love lifes little surprises :)


An interesting side effect: Since I started this diet I have been having these vivid fanciful dreams. They even become these short realistic waking dreams, I am prone to sleep walking but this is a whole new level. At least they are not bad dreams;)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So the week of HELL is behind me;)

My body really has grown accustomed to this new diet. I can taste and smell fruits and vegetables more intensely, and my unceasing hungry is gone. The thirst still lingers but they say you can't do much about it... Otherwise I feel normal again. I started my menses today and the nurse told me that when you are on your cycle you can feel more tired so they give you an extra b-vitamin packed shot to keep you energized. She also told me that you can hold onto more water so your weight may look like it's stalled but really as long as you stay in ketosis the weight will go down. I'm not worried.

Had my weigh in today and I'm weighing in at 196 pounds, down 7 pounds in one week! Let's see how this next week goes:)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 7

Ok ok so it's day 7 and the crazy painful unsettling endlessly hungry time seems to have passed. Today I felt great even though I didn't have the best nights sleep, having protein for lunch helps a ton! Did my first work out today, a hatha class really I'd say a power prep class lots of plank and downward dog. It was a good class but it kicked my ass, I was ready for bed when it was finished at all of 6pm. But instead of grabbing a mat finding some lost corner of the studio to rest my head I ended up bumping into a friend and going for dinner. Yes I ate out and it was easy. We had sashimi and I had a salad with no dressing and lemon wedges:) Satisfying and delicious. They say you can only work out 3 times a week but on those days you have an extra protein. This is much needed as I think if I didn't have the sashimi I would be in a gutter somewhere.

My 1 week check in is tomorrow...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ok so it's getting easier.

Today I had my first work day, over 8 hours on my feet. I was worried that I was going to crash hard, so instead of having my protein for dinner I decided to have it for lunch. And wow what a difference. Tonight I feel normal. Normal! Soo good, I hope I can keep this up because this is much better. Here's my magic recipe for energy on this diet:

Breakfast: 2/3 protein, 1 fruit

Lunch: 2/3 Veg, 1 Protein

Snack: Celery Sticks

Dinner: 1/3 protein, 1 Veg, 2 Grains.

Dessert: 1 Fruit

This seems to have gotten me on track, having a protein at lunch makes the difference and keeping just a little for dinner is all that's needed. It makes sense you are using what little calories you are getting during the day better to make sure you have energy then to save it and end up crashing out.

-Went to the clinic today and the nurse said all is looking good. I am burning well and my diet looks great. Currently I've lost about 5 pounds since weds, crazy! Had a big talk to her about uric acid. Turns out going into ketosis can produce uric acid in your system. Not something you want to get as it can lead to gout, no thank you! So I ask and did some research and this is what I've figured out. Uric acid takes some time to build up in your body, it doesn't happen overnight. As much as I hate the idea of ever having to take meds they will give you some if you develop uric acid to alkalize your system, so crystals don't form and you don't develop gout. They test your blood regularly so you always know how you are doing. All of this although a bit scary had made me feel at ease. They say it takes about 3 months to develop uric acid and as I am only planning on staying on this diet for 3-4 months I am not going to freak out about it, I'm just going to stay mindful.

Onwards and Upwards.