Monday, January 31, 2011


Well I have been happy and impressed with this diet as thus far I hadn't had any cravings, not really. Then today happened and all I wanted was deep fried anything... What's up with that? I am thinking that maybe I need some oil in my body as I basically have no fats, so I am going to take a fish pill and hope that that will quench these cravings. Otherwise I haven't given in to temptations but I did have 2/3 more protein tonight and I feel fine right now.

Had a weigh in today and I lost another 1.8 pounds which feels good as I stalled out last week. The nurse said that as I hadn't had a bowel movement it can affect your water retention and stall things so hopefully now that I am taking psyllium husk everyday that won't be an issue anymore:)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Best treat/snack!

So on this diet you can't have a lot of goodies, well let's be serious you can't have any and really it's ok. I don't plan on staying this strict forever. But this last week I discovered E.D. Smiths no sugar jam... It is soo good! By far the yummiest thing! 2 kavli cracker with fat free cream cheese and peach jam is amazing and keeps me happy throughout the day. This jam is something I will stick with after this diet is finished.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just over 3 weeks in

So I just got back from a weekday getaway to my home town to visit some family and friends. I had a marvelous time and did my Dr.B check-ins while I was there. My weight loss had stalled this last week and I had a hard time reaching the 80's but I'm here now! I wasn't really to worried about it as I was burning ++ and had heard that you stall out after the first 2-3 weeks so it seems like that was my time. But I had a check in today and I was finally below 190 pounds it feels great:) I have been thinking lately that I've paid up to March 16th then I will need to renew.... I feel that it was a great idea for me to do this with them for the first half but I feel that I can manage on my own after that time. I will save a lot of money all I have to get around is giving myself a b-vitamin shot. But I think I can do it. I just want to get this weight off and then concentrate on getting fit and toned!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 19

Crazy week 3 already! I'm down 12 pounds so far that's pretty great:) Everything is going well, I"m burning at 1+ and dropping weight steadily. Yesterday I was at the mall and noticed the yogen fruz booth. I do have a soft spot for "ice cream" and I knew they had fat/sugar free products so I investigated. As I knew that in the states you can eat the dannon light and fit yogurt (1 a day is fine) I google searched the yogurt to figure out what the nutrition break down was and compared that to the fat/sugar free yogen and they are almost the same:) The yogen has 20 more calories and 10g more of carbs so I indulged and had half a small. It was delicious and I was still burning steady this am, so I will be adding this treat in once and awhile. It feels nice to have a treat!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I love beans. They have to be one of my favorite foods. So when I started this diet I knew I had to cut some out (like the limas) and cut them down (only twice a week), and I was ok with that. So last week I made some lentils and although they were tasty my weight loss seemed to slow. Could have just been a coincidence but then the last 2 days I made black eyed peas and again I am only tracing.... I will have to do more experiments to see if it is that or just my body going through highs and lows...

Day 16

Wow time is going quickly. Had my 2nd visit with the doc, really just a very quick visit. I don't know how many patients he needs to see in a day but I think I'm in there for no more then 5 mins. Everything is looking good, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.. My cholesterol was a little bit high but nothing to worry about now as I am not really eating any. I had my measurements taken today and this is it so far:

Down 10.6 pounds
Down 2 inches on the hips
Down .5 inch on the belly

And only 2 weeks in! Looking forward to this continuing on:)

Doing my own measurements for comparison, I think it will be interesting as I will always check the same place where as the nurses change so will the spots.

Belly: 40.5 inches
Neck: 14.7 inches
Hips: 44 inches

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Melba Toast

Just thought I would share my resent experience with melba toast. I know it sounds funny but a couple days ago I was looking through the Dr.B recipe book and came across this onion ring recipe. As I was feeling a bit bored with food I decided to give them a whirl so I went to the store and picked up some melba toast and an onion. I hadn't eaten a melba in years but as they were in the recipe I crushed up 2 crackers and made the onion rings (which were alright). Later that day I had a snack of one melba toast and that was that. The next day about mid afternoon all I could think about was melba toast, melba toast, melba toast... I knew something was wrong, that's when I looked at the box more carefully and saw that they contained sugar! As I have been basically sugar free other then fruit since I started the diet my body went crazy with that slight amount of extra sugar! Needless to say I am throwing out the Melba toast as I think they are evil crackers and the last thing I want to do is start craving foods I have cut out of my diet. That would only lead to disaster. Kavli crackers and mountian wraps are what I'm sticking to from now on!

2 week check-in

So here I am at the end of week 2! I have lost a total of 10.6 pounds since I started this diet, that's pretty unbelievable:) I'm feeling great and am not hungry anymore. The crazy thing for me right now is that I can't really believe that I will continue to lose weight... I haven't been below 190 in a couple of years despite my efforts so anything from here on out is going to be a surprise.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 12

So things are continuing on well. So far I've lost 9.2 pounds in just under 2 weeks, weds is the 2 week check in so it will be interesting to see if I have lost any inches. Feeling pretty proud of myself so far. I went to a potluck this weekend and as I ate before I went I stayed strong and didn't eat a thing even though we were all sitting around a table ladened with food. It felt really good to be so strong but I would bring some celery sticks with me next time;)

I feel like I am getting a much better handle on what foods I should and shouldn't eat to maintain a slim figure. I feel it really comes down to carbs. Carbs, carbs, carbs and of course sugar but really aren't they one and the same. I know we've heard it a million times a whole food diet is the best diet for our bodies but in truth it is. But we really do not need as many carbs and starches as we think we need, unless of course you are running marathons or exercising for hours a day. When I was on a whole foods diet back in the day I always felt that something wasn't quite right. Looking back I see that I ate much to much rice, this time when I finish the Bernstein diet and go back to eating whole foods I am going to be eating a lot less carbs. Here's to finding balance.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quitting food is like quitting cigarettes.

I thought yesterday that getting over food is like quitting smoking. Years ago when I was quitting cigarettes I was hiding in the kitchen when no one was around and huddling over the ashtray trying to smoke the tail end of a cigarette. As I was crouched having those last few puffs I realized who was I hiding from? I was the only one that mattered... If I was going to quit then I had to own up to myself and quit it was the only way I would ever get over that addiction. From that point on I never looked back and have been smoke free for 11 years. Food addictions are the same thing. We hide and "cheat" but were only cheating ourselves. It's a hard road but I know I can do it, I can beat this addiction and once I'm free I'll never have to look back:)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 9

Doing well today, have to say things are good now that my body is use to this diet. I accidentally bought black lentils instead of green or red as I didn't think it would matter... Their all lentils right but the nurse said it may matter due to the carb content... So I did have them for lunch today as I had already made them and I am going to the pharmacy today to buy keytone testers so I can check at home. Hopefully these black lentils are ok otherwise I just wasted 2 more meals:( All these things you have to learn...

Down another 1.4 pounds since weds:)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good deeds

Today I experienced this diet helping me give back:) I went shopping at safeway for some lunch items, they give you these pull tabs for prizes when you pay, as I ripped open the tab I saw that I had won a liter of apple juice. Normally I would have been happy to get a free box of juice but now on this diet juice is off of the list so I was left with what to do... My partner isn't a juice drinker so I didn't bother getting it for him instead I decided to look down the juice isle and find someone to pass the juice onto. I was in luck there was the sweetest older women there and we started talking, she was originally from Italy and was trying to do some shopping for her breakfast. She asked for my help deciding on what oatmeal to get and was very happy to receive the apple juice. I have to say this made me soo much more happy then drinking the juice ever could have. I love lifes little surprises :)


An interesting side effect: Since I started this diet I have been having these vivid fanciful dreams. They even become these short realistic waking dreams, I am prone to sleep walking but this is a whole new level. At least they are not bad dreams;)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So the week of HELL is behind me;)

My body really has grown accustomed to this new diet. I can taste and smell fruits and vegetables more intensely, and my unceasing hungry is gone. The thirst still lingers but they say you can't do much about it... Otherwise I feel normal again. I started my menses today and the nurse told me that when you are on your cycle you can feel more tired so they give you an extra b-vitamin packed shot to keep you energized. She also told me that you can hold onto more water so your weight may look like it's stalled but really as long as you stay in ketosis the weight will go down. I'm not worried.

Had my weigh in today and I'm weighing in at 196 pounds, down 7 pounds in one week! Let's see how this next week goes:)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 7

Ok ok so it's day 7 and the crazy painful unsettling endlessly hungry time seems to have passed. Today I felt great even though I didn't have the best nights sleep, having protein for lunch helps a ton! Did my first work out today, a hatha class really I'd say a power prep class lots of plank and downward dog. It was a good class but it kicked my ass, I was ready for bed when it was finished at all of 6pm. But instead of grabbing a mat finding some lost corner of the studio to rest my head I ended up bumping into a friend and going for dinner. Yes I ate out and it was easy. We had sashimi and I had a salad with no dressing and lemon wedges:) Satisfying and delicious. They say you can only work out 3 times a week but on those days you have an extra protein. This is much needed as I think if I didn't have the sashimi I would be in a gutter somewhere.

My 1 week check in is tomorrow...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ok so it's getting easier.

Today I had my first work day, over 8 hours on my feet. I was worried that I was going to crash hard, so instead of having my protein for dinner I decided to have it for lunch. And wow what a difference. Tonight I feel normal. Normal! Soo good, I hope I can keep this up because this is much better. Here's my magic recipe for energy on this diet:

Breakfast: 2/3 protein, 1 fruit

Lunch: 2/3 Veg, 1 Protein

Snack: Celery Sticks

Dinner: 1/3 protein, 1 Veg, 2 Grains.

Dessert: 1 Fruit

This seems to have gotten me on track, having a protein at lunch makes the difference and keeping just a little for dinner is all that's needed. It makes sense you are using what little calories you are getting during the day better to make sure you have energy then to save it and end up crashing out.

-Went to the clinic today and the nurse said all is looking good. I am burning well and my diet looks great. Currently I've lost about 5 pounds since weds, crazy! Had a big talk to her about uric acid. Turns out going into ketosis can produce uric acid in your system. Not something you want to get as it can lead to gout, no thank you! So I ask and did some research and this is what I've figured out. Uric acid takes some time to build up in your body, it doesn't happen overnight. As much as I hate the idea of ever having to take meds they will give you some if you develop uric acid to alkalize your system, so crystals don't form and you don't develop gout. They test your blood regularly so you always know how you are doing. All of this although a bit scary had made me feel at ease. They say it takes about 3 months to develop uric acid and as I am only planning on staying on this diet for 3-4 months I am not going to freak out about it, I'm just going to stay mindful.

Onwards and Upwards.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh the nights

So it's the end of day 5... The mornings and afternoons are fine good energy and I feel pretty good, still hungry. But the nights oh the nights. They have been hard today I didn't get home till 6:30 and I was so hungry my blood sugar was dropping I was a mess. I have never experience my blood pressure dropping before but I can tell you now I know! A hardy meal later and a long soak in the tub and I am feeling more normal. Sure hope this gets better soon!

Tomorrow I work a full day and have a check in at the clinic.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 4

What a difference a day makes:) I guess making sure I have breaky first thing is super important, because today wasn't painful at all. I did what they said and saved 1/3 protein for lunch and had 2 celery stalks as a snack. I did go over my "allowed" vegetables today by about 50-100grams, I don't think it will through me out of ketosis. They say if you are hungry to eat more veggies and I have been nothing but hungry since I started this diet so I did today and I feel fine about it.

Today I had:
B- 2 mini quiches and 1/4 cantaloupe
L- vegetable wrap and 1 mini quiche
D- veggie ground round sauteed up with onions mushrooms and garlic and served over cauliflower, with 1 asian pear.

I did end up getting out to a restorative yoga class today after work, it was lovely!

Friday, January 7, 2011

My body is in shock

*Morning- So this has been the worst day so far. I had to fast to get a slue of blood work done this morning so I just had my breakfast. Not to sure if it was that I didn't eat for so long but I have been emotional, very emotional. My urine was also darker then I feel is healthy so I feel that my electrolites are leaving my body. I'm going into the clinic today and plan to ask them what can be done so I don't feel this way.

I understand that my body may just be in shock as it's not use to having so little and if that is the case this should pass but I want to make sure it's not happening because of something else.

*Afternoon- So I went to the clinic for my b-vitamin shots (which sting!) and talked to them about how I was feeling. This is the break down of what is happening in my body and I do feel better now post lunch.

I was drinking too much water around 4-5 liters of liquids a day the nurse says that you can only drink 3 liters and if I feel thirsty (because you do feel thirsty! They say that goes away as it only happens in the beginning) that I can have a fishermans friend or chew some sugarfree gum. I'll try it...

I was also told that taking the potassium makes your urine darker and the nurse tested my urine for anything harmful and there was none so yeah. This made me feel very relieved.

They told me that when you are in Ketosis that your body releases more estrogen which would help to explain why I was an emotional wreak this morning. The doc said that it is harder on women then on men because of this.

I think what I also have to come to terms with is that I need to eat my meals at the right times as having to fast this morning and not eating breaky until 11:30am added to my emotional state and as I was low blood sugar made me weak and tired. They told me that it's better to have protein with each meal as the protein will calm my body and keep me energized longer.

I have to say that at this point I can't imagine working out, but they say that you can/should work out no more than 3 times a week and that on those days you can have an extra protein.

I feel much better after going in this afternoon, the staff there are growing on me they were great today. wow the first few days are though, lots to adjust to. Funny enough this is harder then fasting... They told me that this is just the first few days and that it gets easier. I sure hope so because I can't imagine doing this for 4 months if everyday was like today!

I am looking forward to doing some pilates and yoga, maybe I'll do a restorative class tomorrow:)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Healthy Vegetable Quiche

These just worked out terrificly:) I have them for breakfast but they would work just as well for lunch or dinner. And you can play around with what veggies you add in to them.

In a bowl mix

152 Grams: total of chopped spinach, mushrooms, green onion and dill. Season with salt and pepper.

Spray a 6 serving muffin tray with oil or leave plain if using a silicon tray. Pack the muffin tins with the vegetable mix and top each tin with either 2 egg whites or with 1/4 cup liquid egg whites.

Bake for 20mins @ 400
3 mini quiches equals one protein and 1/3 vegetable serving on the bernstein diet. Serve warm with a quarter cantaloupe or a cup of blueberries.


Day 2

Woke up full of energy which is great considering I wasn't feeling so hot last night. I think that may have been because I did not take the potassium yesterday as I got it in the afternoon and didn't think it would be a big deal but I was tired and thirsty which I think is due to potassium levels dropping. So I'm taking it all today, right after breakfast!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Films on Food

Here are some links to a few documentaries on our food supply that I have enjoyed:


Well I had my first check in and doc visit today at the clinic. What do I think... A lot of people have talked about how great the nurses are how they are so friendly and helpful.... I can't say they are unfriendly but I can't really say that they are friendly either. Now it may be that I am new to this program but both clinics I went to had some surly staff that did not seem to have a sense of humor. I will have to give this time maybe they will grow on me.

The doctor they employ is a character. Kind of a funny guy but he's obviously been doing this for awhile and has his shtick that he sticks to. I was amazed at how quickly he spoke and and I was also amazed that aside from giving me the nitty gritty of when I can expect to meet my goal ie: 125pounds by May 15thish, and that I can expect when following the diet to the letter to burn around 3000 calories a day (crazy!) they haven't really asked me anything about myself. I guess the health info they get you to fill out before you go is really just a formality or maybe as I don't really have any health issues other then Hypothyroidism they didn't feel the need to get into things.

All i'm saying is there is no hand holding at this clinic you are there to lose weight and that's that. I am just happy I did a lot of research before starting this diet as I feel more confident in what I'm doing then if I just walked in without any understanding.

My lunch salad and 4 kavli crackers with 95% fat free cream cheese was good. I am now having some tea. Dinner will happen in an hour or two.

My first day

So really I will start by filling in last nights debaucheries, yes that's right my last "wild" night. So my dear friend was celebrating her Birthday last night and I indulged, a lot. We had cheeses and wine, champagne, martini's and of course Birthday cake. Now I can't say that starting off this life changing path with a hangover is the best move but yeah you only live once and although I plan to be in this full tilt I enjoyed ending my former path with a bang.

So here I am day one:

I made my 6 egg white omelet with 80grams of mushrooms, spinach, and green onion and had a gigantic slice of cantaloupe. So far so good.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Meal Plans

So on the Bernstein Diet you get to make up your own meal plans with regular grocery store foods. As it is my goal to make this as healthy as possible and also as tasty as possible I had a good long look at the foods I could and couldn't eat. I plan to eat as Organically and Nutritiously as possible, which will be easy as that is what this diet forces you to do. On this diet you weigh your food in grams or ounces, and are allowed 2 servings of each food group, protein, vegetable, fruit and bread.

Here is my first meal plans for weds, thurs, and fri:

Breakfast: 6 egg white scramble with green onion and spinach, + 1/4 cantaloupe.
This = 1Protein, 1Fruit and 1/4 Vegetable.

Lunch: Salad with Red and Orange peppers, cucumber, onions, mushrooms and flax seeds. With a dill dressings and 2 Kavli crackers.
This = 1 Veg (230g), 2 Bread, 1 Extra (1 tbs flax seeds)

Dinner: Baked or BBQ White Fish and roasted Asparagus, with one Asian Pear.
This = 1 Protein (100g), 3/4Veg, 1 Fruit.

I don't know about you but this looks tasty to me and if I can keep eating like this I won't mind at all.

Weds is my first meeting with the Berstein Doc and my first day on the diet, I'll let you know how it goes.